The name Alpha Mu Gamma is composed of the names of the initial Greek letters found in the phrase "Amphi Mouse Glosson*," meaning, "For the Muse of Languages."The motto of the Society is "Search with eyes aloft," from Virgil’s "Aeneid," Book VI. The original Latin version is "Alte vestiga oculis**." The Greek translation is "Hypselois ophthalmois theoreite***."
The emblem is the Golden Bough, mentioned in Virgil’s "Aeneid," Book VI, and is a golden olive branch.
The key is partially covered by a scroll bearing the Greek letters for the Society’s name diagonally across its face and the Golden Bough in the upper right corner. The key behind the scroll signifies intellectual endeavor, which unlocks the doors to other literatures and cultures. The scroll represents achievement, learning, and love of literature. The Golden Bough symbolizes enlightenment, friendship, and sympathetic understanding of other peoples.
The call during the initiation ceremony is three long knocks. The answer is the same. 1) One knock represents the key; 2) one the scroll; 3) and one the golden bough.
The color of the Society is gold, symbolizing truth, light, and intelligence.
* Pronounced "ahm-fee’ moo’-say glowss-sown’."
** Pronounced "ahl’-tay wess-tee’-gah aw’-coo-leess," with coo given the same sound as in cook.
*** Pronounced "heep-say-loyss’ awf-thahl-moyss’ the-oh-ray’-te," with the vowel inheep actually given the sound of u in the French pure or of ü in the German Hüte, with the given the same sound as in theft, and with te given the same sound as in ten.
The Golden Bough
The emblem is the Golden Bough, mentioned in Virgil’s "Aeneid," Book VI, and is a golden olive branch.
The key is partially covered by a scroll bearing the Greek letters for the Society’s name diagonally across its face and the Golden Bough in the upper right corner. The key behind the scroll signifies intellectual endeavor, which unlocks the doors to other literatures and cultures. The scroll represents achievement, learning, and love of literature. The Golden Bough symbolizes enlightenment, friendship, and sympathetic understanding of other peoples.
The call during the initiation ceremony is three long knocks. The answer is the same. 1) One knock represents the key; 2) one the scroll; 3) and one the golden bough.
The color of the Society is gold, symbolizing truth, light, and intelligence.
* Pronounced "ahm-fee’ moo’-say glowss-sown’."
** Pronounced "ahl’-tay wess-tee’-gah aw’-coo-leess," with coo given the same sound as in cook.
*** Pronounced "heep-say-loyss’ awf-thahl-moyss’ the-oh-ray’-te," with the vowel inheep actually given the sound of u in the French pure or of ü in the German Hüte, with the given the same sound as in theft, and with te given the same sound as in ten.
The Golden Bough